التلاسيميا مرض وراثي يمكن القضاء عليه بسهوله بتحاليل ماقبل الزواج لنسعى جميعا لنخلق مجتمع خالي من العذاب لاطفالنا
We are so excited to see more and more activities being organized for the #InternationalThalassaemiaDay 2022 all over the world!
#TIF‘s Member, Turkish Thalassemia Federation – Talasemi Federasyonu, is organizing the 4th Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathies Congress, which will be held on May 16-18, 2022, in Antalya, #Turkey.
The Congress’ agenda will include dedicated physician and #patient sessions and will present innovations in the field of #thalassaemia and #haemoglobinopathies, both at the national and international level.
Visit talasemikongresi2022.org for more information.
#ITD2022 #BeAwareShareCare #Events #thalassemia #talasemi
#community #TIFMembers #HCPs Mustafa Dolu